Thursday, July 30, 2015

Amazon Web Services Announces Availability of Amazon Aurora to All Customers

By JoAnn McFarland Amazon, best known for online sales of thousands of items, is making Amazon Aurora, its MySQL-compatible database engine, available to customers in three regions. These are the U.S. West, U.S. East and the European Union. Formerly, the engine had only been available to a thousand companies participating in a review of the technology. These include Alfresco, Zumba and Earth Networks, among others. These and many other companies had favorable reviews of Aurora. Amazon Aurora was created to provide database services comparable in price to open source databases, but with the scalability, durability and reliability of the commercial databases. Current Amazon RDS (Relational Data Service) customers can quickly convert to the new system. Raju Gulabani, Vice President, Amazon Database Services, AWS explains: “Today s commercial-grade databases are expensive, proprietary, high lock-in, and come with punitive licensing terms that these database providers are comfortable emp

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