Sunday, July 12, 2015

The Checklist Manifesto Quotes

The Checklist Manifesto Quotes - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. After publishing the Checklist Manifesto Review and following up with the Checklist Manifesto Summary, I thought it’d be fun to share the most memorable The Checklist Manifesto quotes by surgeon Atul Gawande. The book is packed full of useful knowledge, and not just from the author himself. He interviews professionals from the man responsible for foolproof checklists given to pilots flying incredibly complex Boeing airplanes to a group of high-powered venture capitalists. All the people in the book have something in common – they want to reduce risk. And Gawande himself, like every human being with a will to survive, is no stranger to risk reduction. For him, however, it’s vitally important. The Checklist Manifesto is the story of how this simple checklist was made.

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