Monday, July 27, 2015

Get Out There and Learn at a Business Event This Week

By Small Business Editor If you haven t taken the time to see what business events are happening near you, now s a good time to start. There are so many opportunities to get involved and meet other like-minded business owners and entrepreneurs. Get outside your comfort zone and maybe try attending an event you have never considered before. You never know what you will learn or who you might have a chance to network with. To see a full list or to submit your own event, contest or award listing, visit the Small Business Events Calendar. Featured Events, Contests and Awards Content Inc. Summit September 11, 2015, Cleveland, Ohio Are you an entrepreneur looking to get more out of your marketing or to drive innovation in your industry? Then you ll want to check out the Content Inc. Summit, a one-of-a-kind, day-long workshop happening in Cleveland on Friday, September 11, 2015 following Content Marketing World 2015. Exclusive Small Business Trends $195 member discount available to the Conte

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